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Google Intends to Push HTML5 by Default in Chrome
Do we witness the dawn of a flash-free internet? Find out about the efforts Google is putting for turning HTML5 into a default… Read more
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Google PageSpeed vs Lighthouse: How Are They Different and Which Tool Should You Use?
Which tool should you be auditing your website with? In a Google PageSpeed vs Lighthouse “debate”, which score is right?What's… Read more
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Here Is How You Design MOBILE Landing Pages That Convert
Mobile rules the day or better said: mobile has been ruling the whole year of 2016 and is here to stay, to constantly evolve… Read more
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How to Add Autocomplete to Text Fields in Drupal 8: Defining a Custom Route
Let's say that it's a WhatsApp-like, a decoupled, Drupal 8-backed, real-time chat platform that you're building. One using… Read more
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How to Choose the Best OS for Web Development: The 4 Major Operating Systems’ Pros and Cons
Over the years we’ve heard plenty of arguments regarding the best OS for web development, hence we’ve came up with a list of… Read more
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How to Design An Intuitive Conversational Interface Experience: 6 Useful Tips
It's no longer a matter of “Why?”, but a matter of “How?”. The conversational interface trend isn't going anywhere but... UP.So,… Read more
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How to Optimize Your Website for Voice Search
      Be honest: did you really anticipate that the search voice trend would turn into such a phenomenon?… Read more
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How to Speed Up a WordPress Website: 11 Universal Ways that You Can Make It Faster (With and Without a Plugin)- Part 1
“How do I make my WordPress site faster?” you ask yourself. And let me guess: you want to address this challenge – how to speed… Read more
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How You Can Improve the On-Site Search User Experience: 8 Simple Best Practices- Part 1
Are you using your website's search functionality to its full potential? Do your users always get the most relevant site search… Read more
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