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5 Business Benefits of Web Accessibility
 In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of web accessibility.Web accessibility is the… Read more
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Enhancing Accessibility on Your Drupal Site
The Importance of AccessibilityAccessibility is as crucial in today’s digital landscape as ever. Ensuring that websites are… Read more
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How to Design a Color Blind Accessible Website: 13 Easy Tips
In today’s day and age having a colour blind accessible website is not optional, it’s a must. Colour Blind Awareness statistics… Read more
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How to Make Icons Accessible to the Widest Range of Users? 10 Best Practices
Material icons, flat icons, thin icons, ready-made or fully custom, on-brand icons... No matter what type of web icons you… Read more
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New Modules Released to Improve Drupal’s Content Workflow
Drupal recently released a new set of foundational modules which can improve Drupal development and Drupal’s workflow. The… Read more
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Not All Content Is King in Drupal 8: Mobile, Global Content Is
 Can you handle all the ... power that Drupal 8 is about to lay in your very hands, whether you're a developer, a marketer/… Read more
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The Complete Website UX Audit Checklist for 2020: 12 Steps to Uncover Usability Issues on Your Site
Users come to your website. They start the checkout process and... leave. Why is that? Is there a "best practice" process to… Read more
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What Are Some of the Best Web Accessibility Testing Tools to Evaluate Your Website With? Top 5 Chrome Extensions
You've gone through the guidelines, standards, warnings, and best practices included in the W3C recommendations and... you'… Read more
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Why Is Accessibility Important? 7 Ways that Having an Accessible Company Website Benefits You
You already agree on this: web accessibility benefits users with permanent, temporary, and situational disabilities. But why is… Read more
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