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Differences between HTML4 and HTML5
HTML 5 is currently the latest version of the Hypertext Markup Language. Unforunately, it’s not yet supported by all of the… Read more
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How Do You Choose a Web Development Services Provider? 4 Things to Keep in Mind
Choosing a company that provides web development services is not as simple as shopping for other services. If it’s your business… Read more
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How to Write a Clean and Scalable Angular 2 Application: Best Practices for Angular 2
Angular 2 is becoming more popular worldwide and because of that, people are starting to learn how to use it. It doesn’t matter… Read more
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How You Can Improve the On-Site Search User Experience: 8 Simple Best Practices- Part 1
Are you using your website's search functionality to its full potential? Do your users always get the most relevant site search… Read more
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How You Can Improve the On-Site Search User Experience: 8 Simple Best Practices- Part 2
Have you got the chance to apply the simple tweaks and techniques shared with you in the first part of this post? Ready now to… Read more
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Incoming Feedback by Hotjar: Building User-Friendly Sites & Apps Made Easy!
Building better websites and apps has just got easier! And by “better” we do mean user-friendly (a feature encompassing all the… Read more
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Laravel PHP Framework: What Development Challenges Does It Enable You to Solve?
How many web development challenges can the Laravel PHP framework help you solve? How much easier/faster does it make it for you… Read more
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Progressive Web Apps vs Native Apps: Which Type of App Best Serves Your Needs? Part 1
The paradox of choice, right? Didn't it use to be so much easier back in the old days, when you had just one option at hand? "You… Read more
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Progressive Web Apps vs Native Apps: Which Type of App Best Serves Your Needs? Part 2
Native Apps: They're Not Going Anywhere... Not Anytime SoonIn other words, in the "progressive web apps vs native apps"… Read more
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