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6 Techniques to Create an Effective Visual Hierarchy on Your E-Commerce Website
Visual hierarchy, especially on an e-commerce website, is a way too powerful “weapon” for you to underestimate it or to ignore it… Read more
5 min /
6 Ways to Improve Your WordPress SEO
 Let's imagine you own a project management software solutions business. You want to position yourself as a trustful advisor… Read more
5 Minutes /
Advanced Drupal Troubleshooting Techniques
It often happens, when you are developing a new product with your Drupal installation or trying some new features that you… Read more
25 minutes /
And The Award for the 2019 Canada Leader Goes to... OPTASY! In 3 Different Categories
We still can't get over this news: there are 4500 top performing companies in Canada featured on Clutch and OPTASY's a leader in… Read more
5 min /
Are There Any Strong Reasons Not to Use Nuxt.js? 7 Issues that Might Discourage You from Choosing It
It helps you boost your SPAs' SEO, it enables you to generate your apps both on the server-side and statically, it "spoils" you… Read more
5 min /
Breaking News: Microsoft’s Planning on Storing Data on DNA
Just one single gram of DNA can store Terabytes of data for over a thousand years. Microsoft has purchased 10… Read more
5 min /
Cocycles: Main Reasons to Use the New Search Engine for Open Source Code
Up until now, finding open source code has been a real hassle for professional developers and beginners alike – Cocycles is here… Read more
5 min /
Drupal Project Management: Specific Challenges and Approaches
Let me guess: you're a Drupal developer (temporarily) turned into a... Drupal project manager! Or maybe a PM new to Drupal,… Read more
5 min /
How to Keep Your SEO When Redesigning a Website: 12 Things to Check
What's the best approach? The foolproof methods to keep your SEO when redesigning a website?And the chances that things go… Read more
5 min /