Over the years we’ve heard plenty of arguments regarding the best OS for web development, hence we’ve came up with a list of advantages and disadvantages of the most popuar operating systems – Windows, Linux and Mac OS.


Features available on all platforms

  • Most developer tools, including IDE’s are available on all platforms
  • Most platforms can run another platform within themselves through a 3rd party app
  • All platforms can use Git
  • Most languages can be used on all platforms


Windows OS Features

  • Most services or products are specifically designed for Windows
  • Some servers use this platform
  • It’s not POSIX
  • Has plenty of security issues
  • Can use Photoshop
  • Very few useful apps are pre-installed
  • Major upgrades are slow – 2-3 in a decade


Mac OS Features

  • Can use Photoshop
  • Too many features are pay-to-use
  • Is POSIX
  • Visually stunning
  • Major upgrades are often – every few years and easily installed
  • Very few servers use this platform
  • Many useful apps are pre-installed
  • Installs programs through the GUI by default


Linux OS Features

  • Many servers use a variation of this platform
  • Is POSIX
  • Offers Photoshop alternatives but no Photoshop
  • Is not user friendly
  • Most apps are free or open source
  • Installs apps and programs through CLI by default
  • Has a few useful applications pre-installed
  • Major upgrades are often, every one or two years


Conclusions: Which Is The Best OS for Web Development After All?

All operating systems have some advantages and disadvantages and in the end it’s a good idea to pick the one you feel most comfortable with or the one which benefits you the most.


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