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 What's Your Story? Tell It on Your About Page!
Your company's story already has loads of potential to captivate and keep your users engaged: it's unique, it's your brand's… Read more
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10 Best Practices for Making Web Icons Accessible
 It's no secret that icons are widely used in web design and, to fully reap their potential, they should be truly inclusive.… Read more
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10 Tips for Creating Performant and Accessible Mobile Apps
Mobile apps have truly revolutionized how we work, socialize, and unwind.But how do you craft an app that stands out in both… Read more
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10 UI Design Predictions for 2017 with a Huge Impact on the User Experience
You do agree that a good web designer must always strive to “read the future”, right? To predict the trends and align his/… Read more
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10 Ways that You Can Simplify Design and Increase Your Conversion Rate
The road to cluttered website design is paved with good intentions.For you want to make users' visits on your site as visually-… Read more
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10 Ways Your Business Will Benefit From Using HTML5
Creating web content and deploying it on a plethora of: platformsdevices (both modern desktops and mobile browsers)… of… Read more
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3 Essential Steps to Convert Your Website to a Progressive Web App
 Thinking to convert your website to a progressive web app? And why shouldn't you?Since the benefits are obvious: you “… Read more
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5 Image Recognition Tools: Take Full Advantage of The Visual Web
Beware of visual content taking over the web or... even better: embrace the trend and stay on top of it! Maximize its potential… Read more
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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Redesigning Your Drupal Website
 Drupal web development can be challenging sometimes—depending on the knowledge of the one performing it. On one side, this… Read more
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