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10 UI Design Predictions for 2017 with a Huge Impact on the User Experience
You do agree that a good web designer must always strive to “read the future”, right? To predict the trends and align his/… Read more
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10 Ways that You Can Simplify Design and Increase Your Conversion Rate
The road to cluttered website design is paved with good intentions.For you want to make users' visits on your site as visually-… Read more
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5 Image Recognition Tools: Take Full Advantage of The Visual Web
Beware of visual content taking over the web or... even better: embrace the trend and stay on top of it! Maximize its potential… Read more
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5 Ways to Build Out a Well-Organized CSS Architecture 
Would we be wrong if we stated that the very “easiness” of writing CSS code is this language's “Achilles' heel”,… Read more
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7 Extensions for Web Designers to Speed Up Your Workflow
A web life without plugins, without extensions for web designers and developers or add-ons! Still: as competitive and as… Read more
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Adaptive vs Responsive Design: What Is the Difference? Which One Is Better for You?
Adaptive vs responsive design. Is there really a matter of “better vs worse”? What's the difference anyway?For the boundaries… Read more
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Adding CSS Classes to Blocks in Drupal
The concept of Modular CSS has been around for years. The basic idea is tackling your CSS code in a systematic way through class… Read more
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Adobe Spark Video: How to Create Powerful, Engaging Videos... The Easy Way
“Engaging” could easily be called “the word of 2016” in the digital world! Everything you did, as a website owner, a website… Read more
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Alfresco Digital Business Platform: Go With the Digital Flow 
 “But am I not there yet? Haven't I already implemented digital transformation within my organization?" The… Read more
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