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Antitrust Charges Against Abusive Android
The European Commission on Wednesday charged that Google breached EU antitrust rules by seeking to maintain and expand the… Read more
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Decoupled Drupal: What Does This Mean for Your Own Site?
Should you decouple? When? How? What are the risks that a decoupled Drupal site involve? What are the undeniable, hard-to-resist-… Read more
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Get Personal With Your Users: 6 Ways to Personalize Your App and Deliver a Great Experience
So, you've put your brand's name on a shiny new app!  It's visually enticing and it works “as smooth as butter”, too.… Read more
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How Do You Make Your Website Responsive? 3 Steps to Implement a Responsive Design
When it comes to mobile development, it’s much easier to create a brand new responsive website than to upgrade an existing… Read more
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Swift - „first class” language for Android?
When Swift was going open source, representatives for three major brands — Google, Facebook and Uber — were in London discussing… Read more
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