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10 Reasons Why AI Projects Fail or How You Can Easily Sabotage Your Own AI Project- Part 1
Running an AI startup? Or just planning to implement AI technology into your next software product? Then you sure don't run short… Read more
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10 Reasons Why AI Projects Fail or How You Can Easily Sabotage Your Own AI Project- Part 2
And I'm back, as promised, with a handful of reasons — ranging from “the usual suspects” to more nuanced ones — why AI projects… Read more
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10 UI Design Predictions for 2017 with a Huge Impact on the User Experience
You do agree that a good web designer must always strive to “read the future”, right? To predict the trends and align his/… Read more
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Artificial Intelligence Consulting: What Are the Typical Activities?
So, you've (finally) overcome your skepticism regarding it: artificial intelligence does have the potential to propel your… Read more
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Automatic Updates in Drupal Core? Top Benefits and Main Concerns With Drupal Updating Itself
 Just imagine... automatic updates in Drupal core.Such a feature would put an end to all those never-ending debates and… Read more
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Best Photoshop Plugin for Web Design
Get a Photoshop plugin that will help you perfect your work as a web designer! Here is the list of 10 amazing Photoshop… Read more
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Cocycles: Main Reasons to Use the New Search Engine for Open Source Code
Up until now, finding open source code has been a real hassle for professional developers and beginners alike – Cocycles is here… Read more
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Curious What Google Has in Store for You for 2017?
How well did you keep up with Google's frequent updates in 2016? Didn't you feel, at some point, that striving to keep the ever… Read more
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Future Looks Good: Upgrades in Drupal Made Easy
15 years! 15 years since Drupal's been turbocharging websites with cutting-edge features!15 years during which the open source… Read more
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