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How Do You Choose a Web Development Services Provider? 4 Things to Keep in Mind
Choosing a company that provides web development services is not as simple as shopping for other services. If it’s your business… Read more
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How Do You Create a Highly Persuasive Web Design? 4 User Psychology Principles to Apply
 How self-absorbed are you?  You don't need to answer that, for we all know that each web designer secretly… Read more
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How Do You Create a Landing Page Web Design that... Converts? 5 Easy Tips to Try
When it comes to landing page web design, people tend to make mistakes – a lot of mistakes. Some web designers go for a… Read more
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How to Build a Machine Learning App: Choosing the Best Image Recognition API
You're ready to turn your idea of a machine learning app using image recognition into “the next best thing”! It's going to… Read more
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How to Choose the Best OS for Web Development: The 4 Major Operating Systems’ Pros and Cons
Over the years we’ve heard plenty of arguments regarding the best OS for web development, hence we’ve came up with a list of… Read more
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How to Create and Manage a Content Workflow in Drupal 8: Either a Standard or a Custom One
"A Drupal 8 initiative to improve Drupal's content workflow", this is how Dries Buytaert first defined the Workflow… Read more
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How to Create Role-Specific User Registration Forms in Drupal
More functionality, more possibilities, right? Yet it can also lead to more complexities and more challenges that you need to… Read more
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How to Decouple Drupal Commerce to Deliver Richer Shopping Cart Experiences: Useful Modules
Just imagine it: Drupal 8's robust features as a CMS, the flexible e-commerce functionality of the Drupal Commerce ecosystem and… Read more
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How to Document & Estimate Your Drupal 8 Content Migration Project
About to get your Drupal 8 content migration project off the ground? Still a bit hesitant?No wonder, since just the perspective… Read more
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