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Ensuring a Website Accessibility Is the Editor Responsibility, as Well: 6 Best Practices for Creating Accessible Content
For it's not just the developer's job to code it or the designer's task to design it. It's your responsibility as well, as a… Read more
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From Mobile Apps to... Multiexperience Apps: 4 Reasons to Consider a Multiexperience Development Platform
Chatbots, wearable apps, immersive apps, progressive web apps, conversational apps... It's a fact: applications as we know them… Read more
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Future Looks Good: Upgrades in Drupal Made Easy
15 years! 15 years since Drupal's been turbocharging websites with cutting-edge features!15 years during which the open source… Read more
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Here Is How You Can Boost Your Conversion Rate by 22%
Dynatrace, a leading company in the application performance management field states that the average loading site for a website… Read more
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Here Is How You Design MOBILE Landing Pages That Convert
Mobile rules the day or better said: mobile has been ruling the whole year of 2016 and is here to stay, to constantly evolve… Read more
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How and Why to Backup Your Drupal 8 Site 
Getting ready for a Drupal site upgrade “event”? Or maybe you're facing a Drupal update challenge or an even more complex process… Read more
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How Creating a Mind Map Helps You Make Your Website More User-Friendly
The line between useful and... useless (or pushy or simply annoying) is thinner than you think. That's why creating a mind map… Read more
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How Do I Get into AI Development? Where Do I Start? A Complete Beginner Guide to Learning AI
How does a complete beginner get into AI development? What learning resources does he/she use along the journey to learn… Read more
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How Do I Optimize My Website for Voice Search in 2019? 4 Web Design and Content Planning Tips
Is your website adapted to... lure in and greet voice searchers? It should, considering that there are a ton of stats showing… Read more
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