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How to Find the Best Drupal Developer for Your Needs
Building a robust Drupal development project that supports your business objectives can be challenging and time-consuming. But… Read more
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How to Fix a Hacked WordPress Site: A Step-by-Step Guide on Identifying and Removing Malware
“Mysterious” pop-ups that you did not initiate, inexplicable auto-linking keywords, frequent freezing of your website... These… Read more
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How to Improve Your Page Loading Speed: 4 Tips on Designing a Website for High Performance
Website loading speed is closely related to user experience, and for good reasons – time is also more valuable than ever. Why… Read more
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How to Make Your Mobile Call to Action Buttons Intuitively Usable: 10 Best Practices
Simple, yet visible enough, actively persuasive, yet not invasive, powerful, yet intuitive. How do you make your mobile call to… Read more
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How to Optimize Your Website for Voice Search
      Be honest: did you really anticipate that the search voice trend would turn into such a phenomenon?… Read more
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How to Scale Your Node.js App: Best Strategies and Built-In Tools for Scalability 
Whether it's the increasingly challenging workload or you simply want to enhance your Node.js app's tolerance to failure and… Read more
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How to Send Richly Formatted HTML Emails in Drupal 8: Deliver the Experiences that Your Customers Expect in 2019
API first, responsive Bartik, headless and decoupled Drupal, Layout Builder, React admin UI... Drupal's evolved tremendously over… Read more
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How to Speed Up Your Website: 10 Most Effective Optimization Techniques
Websites sure have changed dramatically since the rise of the internet, wouldn't you agree? When competition for winning User's… Read more
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How to Upgrade to Drupal 9: Just Identify and Remove Any Deprecated Code from Your Website
This is no news anymore: preparing to upgrade to Drupal 9 is just a matter of... cleaning your website of all deprecated code.… Read more
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