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6 Easy Tips on How to Use Visual Contrast for Designing Alluring Hero Images
How many times did the inspired title of an article made you “reward” the copywriter with a click and then: surprise, surprise!… Read more
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6 Techniques to Create an Effective Visual Hierarchy on Your E-Commerce Website
Visual hierarchy, especially on an e-commerce website, is a way too powerful “weapon” for you to underestimate it or to ignore it… Read more
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7 Anti-Spam Drupal Modules to Spam-Proof Your Website With
When you say “SPAM” you say “facts of life”! The life of any Drupal site/app/blog owner or administrator out there! And… Read more
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7 Common Mistakes in Interpreting Analytics Data: Statistical Pitfalls for Your UX Team to Avoid
All sorts of highly likely confusions, data taken out of its context, “obsessing over” numbers, approaching analytics with no… Read more
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7 Dark UX Patterns and Their Negative Impact on Your Brand Reputation
Will you be a superhero or a villain? What are you going to do with all those superpowers that UX invests you with?  … Read more
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7 Extensions for Web Designers to Speed Up Your Workflow
A web life without plugins, without extensions for web designers and developers or add-ons! Still: as competitive and as… Read more
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7 Key Stages Every Drupal Development Project Should Contain
Drupal is a content management system that has been around for more than 10 years. The first version of the CMS was released in… Read more
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8 Crucial Cyber Security Tips that You Should Start Implementing Right Now
“Ignorance is bliss!” And yet, it's enough for you to ignore a vulnerability in your security system and you'll face chaos!… Read more
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8 Must-Have WordPress Plugins for Better UX
 Modern WordPress web development screams: plugins plugins plugins!How do you respond? Which are the best plugins that can… Read more
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