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10-Point Drupal SEO Checklist: Before You Launch Your New Site
“Hasty climbers have sudden falls...”So you're ready to take off. To release into the wild that shiny and new Drupal site of… Read more
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3 Essential Steps to Convert Your Website to a Progressive Web App
 Thinking to convert your website to a progressive web app? And why shouldn't you?Since the benefits are obvious: you “… Read more
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3...2...1... Angular 5 Is Just Around the Corner! What New Features Should You Look Forward To?
Making it significantly easier for developers to build Google-driven progressive web apps! And significantly simpler for users to… Read more
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4 Easy Peasy Ways to Duplicate a Page in WordPress (Or a Blog Post)
And there are so many strong reasons why you'd want to duplicate a page in WordPress. Or one of your blog posts: you wish to… Read more
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4 Reasons Why Drupal Is a Winning Choice for Web Development
 The Coronavirus pandemic has accelerated digital transformation and shifted the world to an online-based environment. In… Read more
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5 Image Recognition Tools: Take Full Advantage of The Visual Web
Beware of visual content taking over the web or... even better: embrace the trend and stay on top of it! Maximize its potential… Read more
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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Redesigning Your Drupal Website
 Drupal web development can be challenging sometimes—depending on the knowledge of the one performing it. On one side, this… Read more
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5 SEO Best Practices When Building Your Magento Store
 The eCommerce market is getting more competitive. As the digital world expands at a rapid pace and online stores become the… Read more
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5 Ways to Build Out a Well-Organized CSS Architecture 
Would we be wrong if we stated that the very “easiness” of writing CSS code is this language's “Achilles' heel”,… Read more
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