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PHP in 2019: Why Would You Still Use PHP for Building Your Websites and Web Apps?
Here's a riddle for you: What has (at least) 9 lives besides cats? Well... the ever dying and always resurrecting PHP, of course… Read more
5 min /
Speak Now: Mastering Voice Search Optimization in 2024 MarTech Landscape
Now that we're well into 2024, voice search has firmly established itself as a pivotal MarTech trend, transforming how… Read more
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Staff Augmentation or Managed Services? How to Choose Wisely
 As digital transformation has forever changed the world of business, more and more companies are interested in IT… Read more
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The Complete Website UX Audit Checklist for 2020: 12 Steps to Uncover Usability Issues on Your Site
Users come to your website. They start the checkout process and... leave. Why is that? Is there a "best practice" process to… Read more
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The Objectives of an Enterprise-Level Content Marketer
According to Content Marketing Institute’s latest report, only 28 percent consider their efforts effective. That’s less than B2B… Read more
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The Revival of Email Marketing as a MarTech Trend in 2024
 In the fast-evolving digital marketing landscape, trends come and go in the blink of an eye. However, one of the most… Read more
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Top Drupal Agencies That Will Revolutionize Your Web Strategy
Drupal is one of the most popular content management systems (CMSs), with 2.4% of all websites using Drupal for web and mobile… Read more
4 Minutes /
Trends Bumping in Internet Marketing Companies at Toronto
Trends digital marketing and SEO never stand in one place. With frequent Google updates and new tools and methods of outreach,… Read more
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Web Apps vs. Cloud Apps - Benefits and Differences
 The world of app development has gained a lot of traction in recent years. A staggering 91% of enterprises have built and… Read more
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