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Drupal 8 Contact Forms vs Webform: Choosing Between Drupal Most Popular Form Builders
Simple or custom-made? Is it a quick-to-assemble, rather “prototypical” form that you need for your website? Or a more complex,… Read more
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Drupal AMP: Drupal's Accelerated Mobile Pages Module
Drupal's ready to turn into your best ally in your endeavours to constantly comply with Google's ever-changing “rules”! With… Read more
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Drupal Development and Twig: What Are the Main Benefits for Replacing the PHPTemplate with Twig?
Drupal development is becoming an increasingly popular choice for developers all around the world. This has sparked the interest… Read more
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Drupal Multisite Setup: Are There (Still) Any Valid Reasons to Use It? Should It Get Removed in Drupal 9.x?
Why would you still want to opt for a Drupal multisite setup? What strong reasons are there for using this Drupal 8 feature?I… Read more
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Drupal Project Management: Specific Challenges and Approaches
Let me guess: you're a Drupal developer (temporarily) turned into a... Drupal project manager! Or maybe a PM new to Drupal,… Read more
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Drupal Website Development: Benefits of Implementing Your Website On It
Drupal Website DevelopmentDrupal is the new kid on the block. Yet it managed to conquer a decent chunk of the seemingly already… Read more
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From Drush Clear Cache to... Rebuilding Cache in Drupal 8: What's the Difference?
The Earth is round, a buttered toast will always fall butter-side down and doing clear cache is every Drupal developer's best… Read more
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From Mobile Apps to... Multiexperience Apps: 4 Reasons to Consider a Multiexperience Development Platform
Chatbots, wearable apps, immersive apps, progressive web apps, conversational apps... It's a fact: applications as we know them… Read more
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Get Started: Build Your First Custom Module in Drupal 8
So, you could not resist the temptation to try out the much-praised Drupal 8! You've installed it, you've already “played” with… Read more
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