Drupal's ready to turn into your best ally in your endeavours to constantly comply with Google's ever-changing “rules”! With mobile-friendliness being the ultimate goal and the main words on the lips of all marketers and web developers these days, it would be quite “reckless” to ignore all the efforts that the Drupal community has put into developing this module: Drupal AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages).
Just think about it:
  • as a marketer speeding up your website's load time on mobile means happy users (boosting UX) and therefore, “overwhelming” organic traffic for you
  • as a content editor, it instantly eases your whole workflow: you're given the easy-to-use toolkit for making your content mobile-friendly in no time
  • as a web designer, it lifts a great deal of the “pulling off the best solution for crafting responsive design” weight off your shoulders

In short: it's “Optimize for mobile or die trying!" Not really an exaggeration if we think that you only have less than 5 seconds to catch your users' attention and to get them hooked on your website. 5 golden seconds when, if your site loads all its awesome content at a really slow speed or makes content look weird on mobile devices, you can as well “bid farewell” to your users. They'll be off to greener pastures in no time: to websites ideally optimized for the web, that doesn't waste their way too valuable time.

What Web Pages Does It Target?

That's right, you should know before installing the Drupal AMP module that it doesn't address your whole website. It targets blog posts and informational, news article-based pages on your website!
So, it's not geared towards e-commerce websites!

How Does It Work?

If you're still undecided, facing the challenge of picking between Drupal AMP module and other solutions available out there for helping your site gain speed on mobile devices, consider this: the Drupal AMP module is an open-source project
So, if you're a future-oriented type of developer/marketer, you know what this means: it will constantly get tested and improved! 
But how does it work precisely? 
Once you integrate it into your website, it creates a new view mode for the targeted content type.Then, you get to choose the AMP field formatters that will handle your target content's conversion for the mobile (formatters for video, text or images). Next, it's the PHP library that “comes into the picture”, processing the entered HTML and doing its best to come up with the proper AMP HTML equivalents.
It practically gets to “work its magic” on any type of content that you want to optimize for the web.

Let's dig into the AMP Theme and the AMP PHP Library!

OK, now walk us through short “descriptions” of each one of the AMP module's 2 main components:
  •  AMP Theme: familiar with the AMP HTML (a subset of HTML) and its standard? The one aimed at encouraging beautifully looking, quickly loading content on mobile? Well, then you should know that what the AMP Theme does is actually producing the markup that this standard requires for websites venturing in the mobile world. Moreover (for it's still a Drupal theme that we're talking about, so it's got “flexibility” written all over it), it enables content managers to come up with custom-made AMP pages. They gain total control over how these pages on mobile will actually display their content!
  • AMP PHP Library: it handles the final corrections and repairs. Whenever the entered HTML doesn't comply with the AMP HTML standard, it's the PHP library that makes the right images, Youtube HTML, Tweets and Instagram conversions and creates the issues reports. Take it as a “quality assurance” tool!
In a nutshell: with Drupal 8 you can now respond to the challenge of the “developing for the mobile landscape” trend: quickly displaying AMP HTML pages on your website!

How Do You Install Drupal AMP?

Familiar with Composer Manager? For it's this module that will help you a great deal installing and therefore, boosting your website with all the “mobile optimization features” that AMP comes packed with!
So, here are first steps to take:
  1. first, a composer.json file (in the Drupal AMP module) confirms the dependency on the AMP PHP library (which features its own dependencies)
  2. other modules could state the same library dependencies
  3. last, the Composer Manager module gathers all the info in the composer.json files of the modules (all those installed on your website) and puts them all together, thus avoiding the risk of ending up with several modules installing the same dependencies.
Now walk us through the installation process:
Keep in mind: We'll be enabling the Composer Manager module before we go on and install the Drupal AMP one!
  1. enter this command (in your Drupal's website directory): drush dl amp, amptheme, composer_manager and get your AMP theme, AMP module and Composer Manager downloaded.
  2. enable the first items needed for your installation: drush en composer_manager, amptheme, ampsubtheme_example. It's at this step that we're enabling the “ExAMPle subtheme". Take a look at its code, for it will reveal to you how you can, later on. customize your AMP pages.
  3.  use Drush for enabling your AMP module: drush en amp
Next, you'll be notified about dependencies being downloaded. 
There you have them all enabled and ready to be used: the AMP theme, the AMP module, the AMP PHP library and the example subtheme, too.

Configure Your Site For The Drupal AMP Module

Go to /admin/config/content/amp, the AMP module's configuration page. There, pick the content types that you'd like this module to come up with AMP equivalents for!
Bravo! You're now closer than ever to show off your optimized website which loads its high-quality content faster than ever on mobile! 

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