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Google Apigee vs MuleSoft: How Do You Choose the Right One for You? How Are They Different?
How do you know which API management solution best suits your needs? What fundamental differences would a Google Apigee vs… Read more
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Google Intends to Push HTML5 by Default in Chrome
Do we witness the dawn of a flash-free internet? Find out about the efforts Google is putting for turning HTML5 into a default… Read more
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Google PageSpeed vs Lighthouse: How Are They Different and Which Tool Should You Use?
Which tool should you be auditing your website with? In a Google PageSpeed vs Lighthouse “debate”, which score is right?What's… Read more
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Here Is How You Can Boost Your Conversion Rate by 22%
Dynatrace, a leading company in the application performance management field states that the average loading site for a website… Read more
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How Do I Get into AI Development? Where Do I Start? A Complete Beginner Guide to Learning AI
How does a complete beginner get into AI development? What learning resources does he/she use along the journey to learn… Read more
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How Do You Deal with Duplicate Content in Drupal? 4 Modules to Get this Issue Fixed
Accidentally creating duplicate content in Drupal is like... a cold: Catching it is as easy as falling off a log.All it… Read more
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How Do You Stay Productive When You Work Remotely from Home? 6 Advice from Team Members at OPTASY Who’ve Been Doing It for Years
The walls start to close in on you... You're overwhelmed. You just can't get as much done as when you were in the office. Then,… Read more
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How to Add Autocomplete to Text Fields in Drupal 8: Defining a Custom Route
Let's say that it's a WhatsApp-like, a decoupled, Drupal 8-backed, real-time chat platform that you're building. One using… Read more
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How to Build a Machine Learning App: Choosing the Best Image Recognition API
You're ready to turn your idea of a machine learning app using image recognition into “the next best thing”! It's going to… Read more
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