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How to Start Your Subscription-Based Business in 7 Easy Steps
Do already vizualize the confidence-boosting number of subscribers that you'll “hook” after just one week? And even the one… Read more
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How to Use Bootstrap with Angular 4? Here Are 3 Ways to Add It To Your Project 
Here you are now: your Angular 4 front-end app ready to... wow its users! “Almost ready” actually! For it still needs styling...… Read more
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How to Use HTML Headings: Best Practices
Every web page on the internet can have proper HTML headings. These headings are identified by the following heading tags <h1… Read more
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How to Write (More) Predictable and Maintainable CSS: 9 Developer Tricks
CSS is very flexible since it doesn’t impose on how you should write your CSS rules but putting CSS rules in different spots can… Read more
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How to Write a Clean and Scalable Angular 2 Application: Best Practices for Angular 2
Angular 2 is becoming more popular worldwide and because of that, people are starting to learn how to use it. It doesn’t matter… Read more
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HTML5 security - Cross domain messaging
HTML5 is a technology for the next generation web applications and has come with a lot of new features to the web. In the mobile… Read more
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Incoming Feedback by Hotjar: Building User-Friendly Sites & Apps Made Easy!
Building better websites and apps has just got easier! And by “better” we do mean user-friendly (a feature encompassing all the… Read more
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It’s Fast, It’s Lean... But Is Your Site Engaging Enough? 7 Interactive Website Features to Implement
How do you get from a large audience to an... actively engaged large audience? How do you turn that massive volume of traffic… Read more
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Javascript VS jQuery: Which One Should You Use?
Web development experts tend to debate a lot when it comes to Javascript vs jQuery. There is really no correct answer in this… Read more
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