Building better websites and apps has just got easier! And by “better” we do mean user-friendly (a feature encompassing all the other aspects: UX design, various functionalities, written content, graphic content etc.).

How so? Incoming Feedback by Hotjar makes it ideally easy and convenient for your users to give you specific feedback for your site/app (on its copy structure, on its design elements etc.)

And right there, on-site, on-page, at precisely THAT moment in their user journeys.

For your site visitors it's nothing but a two-clicks process (so much more at hand than answering questions in a poll) and for you, the site/app's owner it's:

And now, let us briefly point out to you:

  1. The context that “called for” such a tool (and what makes it more efficient than conventional polls)
  2. How it works precisely
  3. How you get to collect, monitor and use all that data to “fuel” your future design/copy/functionality improving strategies

“But Why Incoming Feedback by Hotjar? I May As Well Grab User Feedback via Polls.”

Let's play devil's advocate: 

Why bother using this tool when you could easily use polls for collecting all the specific feedback you need?

Your users would simply (and kindly) answer all the questions in your poll and... voila: a fresh new “crop” of user feedback for you to leverage!

But what if:

  1. you ask your questions long time after the user will have actually been on that specific page or has completed that specific action?
  2. you risk misinterpreting the collected answers, due to... LACK OF CONTEXT?

And this is precisely where we wanted to get! This new tool by Hotjar, added to their whole suite of all-in-one analytics & feedback tools, brings CONTEXT to the equation.

For it's right THEN, right at that specific moment in your user's journey on your website/your app that you get to... pop up your question! Not a few pages after. Not a few hours or days after.

The feedback that he/she gives you precisely then is, by far, the most relevant one! Relevant due to:

  1. the context of that specific visited page/visualized designed element/tested functionality/read piece of content
  2. the impression that he/she gets about your target site element that very instant!

And How Does This Tool Work Actually?

Incoming Feedback by Hotjar is as easy for you to set up and to customize as it is easy for your visitors to use it.

1. You get to configure your widget's color, its position, its flow and, finally, enter your message. It will simply sit at the edge of your screen, looking like a tab.

2. The instant your users will want to give their feedback on the element of your site/app that you point out to in your widget, they instantly get a pop-up up to:

  1. evaluate your site/app on a “Love to Hate” scale
  2. enter a quick comment if they feel like putting their feedback into words
  3. even use the area selection tool to highlight specific elements on your page (and this gold!)
  4. eventually enter their email addresses allowing you to follow up

And there's more:

  • you get to create as many incoming feedback widgets as you need (since more likely than not it's multiple pages on your website/app that you'll like to get user feedback for)
  • the Incoming Feedback by Hotjar works on all devices

How Do I Centralize The Answers? How Do I Monitor Performance Over Time?

“By making a great use of your Incoming Feedback dashboard.”

It's a two-in-one dashboard, actually, that you get to use for:

  1. deep analyzing and drilling down the user answers that you will have collected (using various filters)
  2. monitoring your newly implemented enhancements' rates of success

Here are the two separate dashboards:

1. The responses dashboard 

This is the repository of all the user feedback given for the suggested aspects of your site/app. Here's where you can filter them, by various criteria such as:

  • liked/disliked or the expressed feedback type
  • time when the feedback was given
  • page URL

… so you can turn them from “just” responses into valuable, actionable insights!

2. The results dashboard 

This is where you get:

  • the full picture of the overall score resulting from your visitors' feedback
  • a breakdown of their feedback over time

It's on this dashboard that you can measure the real impact that your bug fixes, your implemented upgrades and other various improvements to your site/app have on your users.

Bottom Line 

Building user-friendly websites & apps has, indeed, just got easier!

With a tool like Incoming Feedback by Hotjar you get to:

  • collect specific user feedback (you get to target particular aspects of your site/app)
  • instant, contextual type of feedback
  • … and use it to take the needed action for improving the content (both graphic and written) that they dislike 

Have you tried it? 


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