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3 Ways to Update Your Drupal 8 Core 
      Why should you depend on your managed IT service provider for every minor update that you need to make… Read more
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5 Contributed Modules for Building Your Drupal 8 Multilingual Site 
Do you want to stick to the basics or go beyond it? In other words: would you offer your visitors the same multi-language… Read more
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5 Drupal 8 Initiatives and The Pressing Issues They Address
Drupal user “complaints” turned into strategic battle-plans, resulting in groundbreaking improvements pushing Drupal forward… Read more
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5 Ways to Boost Your Content Marketing Strategy with Drupal 8
“Out-of-the-box mobile-responsiveness”, “highly flexible, personalized content delivery”, “high page-load speed”, “… Read more
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7 Anti-Spam Drupal Modules to Spam-Proof Your Website With
When you say “SPAM” you say “facts of life”! The life of any Drupal site/app/blog owner or administrator out there! And… Read more
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7 Reasons Why We Think Drupal Is the Best CMS
We think Drupal is the best CMSOkay, we admit it. We love Drupal and have a bias towards it. We do know other CMS' (content… Read more
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8 Crucial Cyber Security Tips that You Should Start Implementing Right Now
“Ignorance is bliss!” And yet, it's enough for you to ignore a vulnerability in your security system and you'll face chaos!… Read more
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Automatic Updates in Drupal Core? Top Benefits and Main Concerns With Drupal Updating Itself
 Just imagine... automatic updates in Drupal core.Such a feature would put an end to all those never-ending debates and… Read more
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Cache API in Drupal 8: How Is It Any Different from Drupal 7 Cache System?
What makes the Cache API in Drupal 8 any better than Drupal 7's cache system? What's so revolutionary about it? Which of the old… Read more
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