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4 Easy Peasy Ways to Duplicate a Page in WordPress (Or a Blog Post)
And there are so many strong reasons why you'd want to duplicate a page in WordPress. Or one of your blog posts: you wish to… Read more
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7 Anti-Spam Drupal Modules to Spam-Proof Your Website With
When you say “SPAM” you say “facts of life”! The life of any Drupal site/app/blog owner or administrator out there! And… Read more
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Acquia DAM: What Is It? And How Precisely Does It Streamline Your Content Production Process?
PDFs, infographics, icons, logos, fonts, videos... How complex is your "ecosystem" of creative digital assets? And how easy is it… Read more
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Acquia Developer Studio: What Is It and Why Would You Want to Use It?
What Is Acquia Developer Studio?Acquia Developer Studio is a collection of tools designed to simplify and streamline all building… Read more
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Add Google Fonts to your Drupal 8 Theme
Adding Google Fonts to your Drupal 8 theme can be a bit more difficult than with Drupal 7. This is an example of how to install a… Read more
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Antitrust Charges Against Abusive Android
The European Commission on Wednesday charged that Google breached EU antitrust rules by seeking to maintain and expand the… Read more
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Apigee Developer Portal Kickstart or Apigee’s Integrated Portal? What’s the Best Developer Portal Solution for You?
Here you are, facing an impossible dilemma: is the Apigee Developer Portal Kickstart on Drupal 8 the best solution for the… Read more
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Apigee Edge Microgateway: Why Would You Want to Use It and When Should You? 10 Typical Use Cases
So you're evaluating and comparing all the available solutions for centralizing and standardizing your APIs. And you can't help… Read more
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Artificial Intelligence Consulting: What Are the Typical Activities?
So, you've (finally) overcome your skepticism regarding it: artificial intelligence does have the potential to propel your… Read more
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