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How to Integrate Alexa with Your Drupal 8 Website: A Step-by-Step Guide
Just imagine: a user asks Amazon Alexa to read out loud to him/her the headline of your latest blog post! Or maybe to look for a… Read more
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How to Manage Your Drupal 8 Configuration Workflow with Git: A 4-Step Guide
 Wouldn't you agree that managing configuration is vital in the life-cycle of a multi-person project? Well, its importance… Read more
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Laravel or Drupal 8? What Are the Key Differences? Which One Best Fits Your Use Case Scenario?
What does Drupal 8 do that Laravel does not? What key functionalities, that Drupal ships with, do you need to build from scratch… Read more
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Media Handling in Drupal 8.6.0: 4 New Features that Will Enhance Your Media Management Experience in Drupal
The media management experience had been one of the well-known sources of frustration for Drupal content editors for a long time… Read more
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My Drupal Site Has Been Hacked: What Do I Do? How Do I Restore It? 10 Steps to Clean It Up
Oops! The worst has happened: your Drupal site has been hacked! Maybe it was precisely one of those critical vulnerabilities… Read more
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Pros and Cons for Drupal Web Development
 When thinking about web development, there are usually three content management systems (CMSs) that come to mind: Drupal,… Read more
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Reservoir or Decoupling Drupal Made Easy for Anyone: Non-Drupal Developers and Editors
Here's how the ideal decoupling Drupal scenario looks like:Stripping Drupal to its essential role, that of a robust and flexible… Read more
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Set Up a Local Drupal Site with Lando in no Time: Get Started with Docker
Let's say that you need to spin up a new Drupal environment in... minutes. To quickly test a new patch to Drupal core, maybe, or… Read more
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Speed It Up: Use the Image Lazyloader Module on Your Drupal Site!
Lazy loading (images, in this case) leads to energy preserving, which leads to a significantly improved site performance! Pretty… Read more
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