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What Are Some Quick and Easy Ways to Secure Drupal? 7-Step Security Checklist
You have patched your Drupal website, haven't you? If so, then that critical 3-month-old security flaw, Drupalgeddon2, can't… Read more
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What Are the 3 Most Common Web Design Mistakes and How to Avoid Them?
User experience and usability! Such “trendy” principles in today's web-design communities. Such powerful trends influencing… Read more
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What Are the Best Popup Plugins for WordPress in 2019? Top 5
Disliked by users, controversial, yet a constant presence on WordPress websites and a holy grail of high conversion rates if… Read more
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What Are the Best Types of Navigation Menus? And Which One Best Suits Your Project? Top 10
Let’s talk navigation menus! Navigation menus are a key element of the user interface – without them, there can be no website!… Read more
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What Are the Cannot-Live-Without Drupal Modules that Give Developers the Most Headaches? Top 4
Which of those Drupal modules that are crucial for almost any project make you want to just... pull your hair out?… Read more
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What Are the Essential UI Design Principles that You Should Stick To? Top 7
User interface, also known simply as UI is one of the most important considerations when designing any product. Graphic designers… Read more
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What Are the Key Benefits of Using Kubernetes? Why Would You Use It? How Is It Different (Better)?
How is Kubernetes any better than... standard virtual servers? What are those unquestionable benefits of using Kubernetes?What… Read more
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What Are the Most Common SEO Mistakes to Avoid in 2020? 13 Ways that You Can Sabotage Your Own Website’s SEO Performance- Part 1
Have you seen a downfall in your website's ranking (and traffic)? What if you're to blame? What if you're making the all-too-… Read more
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What Is Next.js Used For? Is It a Good Fit for Your Project? 2 Clues that You Should Use It
It sure is “the thing” these days. But does that make it “the perfect... thing” for your project, as well? For your specific… Read more
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