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Reservoir or Decoupling Drupal Made Easy for Anyone: Non-Drupal Developers and Editors
Here's how the ideal decoupling Drupal scenario looks like:Stripping Drupal to its essential role, that of a robust and flexible… Read more
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Serverless Computing Takes Off in 2018: How It Will Impact The Way Software Is Built
To go or not to go serverless... This is one of 2018's most asked questions in the IT industry. And it's true that serverless… Read more
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Should You Be Using Node.js? How Do You Know If It’s Suitable for Your Web Project?
There's no such thing as “the best web technology” but “the best technology for particular use cases”! For your web projects… Read more
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Swift - „first class” language for Android?
When Swift was going open source, representatives for three major brands — Google, Facebook and Uber — were in London discussing… Read more
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The 5 Best Automation Testing Tools for Web Applications that You Could Use in 2020 (Powerful and Easy to Use)
You save time, you keep errors to a minimum, you free up mental real estate that you could then invest in other crucial tasks… Read more
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The 7 Best Drupal 8 Distributions: Why Should You Even Use One in the First Place?
What are Drupal 8 distributions anyway? Why bother using one: what would you gain by using one instead of building your Drupal 8… Read more
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The Group Module: Setting Up User Groups Is Now Easier Than Ever
Back in the old days, when we didn't have the Group module to “save the say”, whenever we needed to set up a certain user group… Read more
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The Web Experience Toolkit Drupal 8 Distribution: Why Use a Drupal Distribution and Why Precisely... Drupal WxT?
Say you need to build a company website that's bilingual from the ground up, accessible, responsive, user-friendly for the team… Read more
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The YAML Content Module: A Handy Tool to Outline the Content to Import!
Consider these 3 real-life scenarios:you need to “populate” a newly developed Drupal website with contentyou need to migrate… Read more
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