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What Are the 3 Most Common Web Design Mistakes and How to Avoid Them?
User experience and usability! Such “trendy” principles in today's web-design communities. Such powerful trends influencing… Read more
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What Are the Best Continuous Deployment Tools for Kubernetes and Why? Top 5
So, getting your apps up and running with Kubernetes has been a quite unexpected pleasant surprise. But now comes the...… Read more
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What Are the Essential UI Design Principles that You Should Stick To? Top 7
User interface, also known simply as UI is one of the most important considerations when designing any product. Graphic designers… Read more
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What Are the Top 10 JavaScript Libraries in 2017 that You Should Learn?
There, there, no need to get yourself stressed out over all the new Javascript libraries trying to lure you with their… Read more
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What is Drupal?
Drupal is a popular open-source content management system written in PHP. Having been created in the early 2000s by a Belgian… Read more
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What Is the Best Magento 2 Page Builder Extension? Here Is a Top 6
 Let's take this scenario: you need to create a landing page for your Magento 2 website. You have no coding experience, you… Read more
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What Is the Best Way to Style React Components? 4 Most Widely-Used Approaches to Styling
Sorry to disappoint you, but: there's no such thing! No such thing as “the best way to style React components”. Or “the most… Read more
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What Is the Best Web Design Platform for... You? For the Type of Website that You Need?
For that's the proper question to ask yourself: "What is the best web design platform for my own use case?"For your own context,… Read more
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What Makes the End-User Experience in Drupal 8 Stand Out?
What makes Drupal a great choice from a UX standpoint? What features are responsible for the enhanced end-user experience in… Read more
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