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Apache Solr vs Elasticsearch: How Are They Different? How Do You Decide? PART 1
Apache Solr vs Elasticsearch, the 2 leading open-source search engines... What are the main differences between these… Read more
5 min /
Apache Solr vs Elasticsearch: How Are They Different? How Do You Decide? Part 2
And I'm back, as promised, with 5 more key differences meant to help you solve your Apache Solr vs Elasticsearch dilemma.To… Read more
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App Development – Which language to pick? Ruby’s your best bet!
Picking a programming language for app development can be a real challenge nowadays since there’s an endless choice of software… Read more
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Are Your Using These 20 Useful Git Commands? You Should!
Git is one of the most popular version control systems in the world. Since its release more than 11 years ago it became a must… Read more
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Behavioral Analytics: Reading Your Users' “Digital Body Language”
It's time you went beyond data focused on events frozen in time (“a user clicked on a certain link at a certain moment during his… Read more
5 min /
Best Drupal Modules for Higher Education Websites
You probably have seen Drupal empowering many companies and organizations in diverse industries: from retail and E-Commerce… Read more
15 minutes /
Building Secure and Compliant Drupal Websites for Government Agencies
Gone are the days when government websites served merely as basic information portals. In today's digital landscape,… Read more
10 minutes /
Can I Trust LastPass with My Passwords? No! Our Unexpectedly Bad Experience with Them
“Trust LastPass at your own risk!” would be our answer. One based both on: this password manager's own “beefy” record of… Read more
5 min /
Can LastPass Just Block Your Account and Withhold Your Passwords? Yes! Here Is What They Have Put Us Through
What if you lose your LastPass master password? Then you're doomed... You'll lose your password vault for good.But hey, you can… Read more
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