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How to Build a Machine Learning App: Choosing the Best Image Recognition API
You're ready to turn your idea of a machine learning app using image recognition into “the next best thing”! It's going to… Read more
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How to Build a Social Network with Drupal: The 5 Essential Modules You Will Need
Planning to build a social network with Drupal? A business community maybe? A team or department collaborating on an intranet or… Read more
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How to Conduct a Content Audit and... Why Should You? A Step-by-Step Guide and Main Benefits
Here's some food for thought: If you don't know where you are, you can't figure out where to head to! What does this mean in… Read more
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How to Configure Custom Search in Drupal 8: 8 Ways to Deliver More Relevant Search Results on Your Website
Let's say that you have a cleaning business. Once a user types “office cleaning” on your website, the search results that show up… Read more
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How to Create an Angular Project with Angular CLI in 5 Simple Steps
About to build your very first Angular app? Then you must be planning to create an Angular project with Angular CLI, right? The… Read more
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How to Create Your Own Responsive HTML Email: A Step-by-Step Guide
Like it or not, Responsive HTML Email is popular and it’s here to stay – over 50% of e-mails are read from mobile devices.But… Read more
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How to Decouple Drupal Commerce to Deliver Richer Shopping Cart Experiences: Useful Modules
Just imagine it: Drupal 8's robust features as a CMS, the flexible e-commerce functionality of the Drupal Commerce ecosystem and… Read more
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How to Fix a Hacked WordPress Site: A Step-by-Step Guide on Identifying and Removing Malware
“Mysterious” pop-ups that you did not initiate, inexplicable auto-linking keywords, frequent freezing of your website... These… Read more
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How to Improve the Collaboration Between Designers and Developers: Simple Tips on Preparing Design for Coders
As we all know, programmers and designers don’t have a lot in common in terms of workflow or the software used to complete their… Read more
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