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PHP for Web Development Startups
Most web development start-ups have the same problem – What programming language to pick? Which language should we specialize in… Read more
5 min /
PHPUnit Testing for your Drupal modules
Writing and running software tests has become the "norm" in the current software development lifecycle: It helps you to prove to… Read more
18 minutes /
Put Your Website's Load Speed to The Test: The Website Speed Test!
Content is king, yet speed is everything! Or, better said: “content is king, but visual content is... Emperor”!And since “visual… Read more
5 min /
Resizing Images for the Web Without Compromising Quality: Some Dead Simple Techniques
The earth is round and images are “the usual suspects” of too long page loading times... Along with video content. So, what do… Read more
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Six Reasons Why it's Better to Work With an Agency Instead of a Freelancer
There’s an age-old question that once in a while pops in a manager’s mind:Should we hire a freelancer or go with a specialized… Read more
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Speed And Mobile Testing Just Got Easier
Google recently launched a new tool which aims to help business owners determine their website speed and mobile friendliness on… Read more
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Staff Augmentation or Managed Services? How to Choose Wisely
 As digital transformation has forever changed the world of business, more and more companies are interested in IT… Read more
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Switch from A Mobile-Friendly to A Mobile-First Strategy!
How do you find the online landscape now, when the air is filled with new possibilities, opportunities, forecasts, and wishes for… Read more
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The Best Drupal Developers Choose These Modules for Top-Notch Web Experiences
 Choosing Drupal as your content management system (CMS) is a big step in your digital journey, and it will transform the… Read more
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