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Automating Remote Administration
This feature has long been a goal for OPTASY; it’s been more challenging than we expected. You see, automation is easy if all… Read more
5 min /
Avoid These Common Pitfalls In Drupal Module Development
Just like anything and everything else, Drupal also has a learning curve.Until you had mastered the techniques, tools and options… Read more
5 min /
Behavioral Analytics: Reading Your Users' “Digital Body Language”
It's time you went beyond data focused on events frozen in time (“a user clicked on a certain link at a certain moment during his… Read more
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Best Augmented Reality Tools in 2018: Which Is The Right One for Your AR App?
“Build the next big thing in terms of AR apps!” Is this goal on top of your New Year's resolutions list? Well, then right now you… Read more
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Best Photoshop Plugin for Web Design
Get a Photoshop plugin that will help you perfect your work as a web designer! Here is the list of 10 amazing Photoshop… Read more
5 min /
Can I Trust LastPass with My Passwords? No! Our Unexpectedly Bad Experience with Them
“Trust LastPass at your own risk!” would be our answer. One based both on: this password manager's own “beefy” record of… Read more
5 min /
Can LastPass Just Block Your Account and Withhold Your Passwords? Yes! Here Is What They Have Put Us Through
What if you lose your LastPass master password? Then you're doomed... You'll lose your password vault for good.But hey, you can… Read more
5 min /
Choosing the Right CMS for Healthcare Websites
 What does the right content management system (CMS) mean for healthcare websites?A CMS should offer a blend of flexibility… Read more
2 mins /
Choosing the Right Web Hosting Service: 5 Most Important Factors to Consider
Nowadays there are plenty of web hosting companies to choose from, all with different perks and different services available and… Read more
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