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10 Reasons Why You Need Regular Drupal Maintenance
Drupal is a popular, complex, and powerful content management system. It powers some of the most successful digital… Read more
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10 Tips To Make Your App Steal the Spotlight
What's the ideal dosage for putting together the perfect blending of functionality and design in an app? Does functionality come… Read more
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10 UI Design Predictions for 2017 with a Huge Impact on the User Experience
You do agree that a good web designer must always strive to “read the future”, right? To predict the trends and align his/… Read more
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10 Ways Drupal 8 Will Be More Secure
Security is very hard to bolt on to any software or product after it has been built. Building it into the core of the code helps… Read more
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10 Ways that You Can Simplify Design and Increase Your Conversion Rate
The road to cluttered website design is paved with good intentions.For you want to make users' visits on your site as visually-… Read more
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15 Android App Development Tools Essential for Every Developer's Toolbox
Simplify! This is the right way to go if you're “obsessing” over your productivity as an app developer. Declutter your toolbox… Read more
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3 Essential Steps to Convert Your Website to a Progressive Web App
 Thinking to convert your website to a progressive web app? And why shouldn't you?Since the benefits are obvious: you “… Read more
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3 Tips on How to Put on an Authentic “Local Accent” When Telling Your Brand Story
Could your enterprise-size brand, with a strong presence in the online world, ever “rival” the familiar, always-ready-to-help, “… Read more
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3 Ways to Translate Language Strings in Drupal 
Does anyone of the following scenarios sound familiar to you? you need to translate a few language strings on your Drupal… Read more
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