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Articles by Raluca Olariu, Senior Content Writer

Raluca Olariu is a seasoned content writer with over five years of experience specializing in creating high-quality, research-driven content for both B2C and B2B marketing campaigns. Her expertise spans a variety of fields including software, technology, healthcare, HR, and digital marketing. As a professional dedicated to the craft of content creation, Raluca takes a proactive role in refining the content development process, ensuring each piece not only meets but exceeds the quality expectations of clients and stakeholders.

Holding a Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering along with a Bachelor's degree in Kinesiotherapy, Raluca possesses a deep understanding of the healthcare and medical industries, enriching her writing with solid expert knowledge. This educational background allows her to tackle complex topics in healthcare, bringing a unique perspective that combines technical accuracy with engaging storytelling.

In her role at OPTASY, Raluca leverages her advanced skills in SEO, copywriting, and content strategy to produce optimized content tailored for diverse audiences and platforms. Her work is aimed at driving actionable results, enhancing digital marketing efforts, and contributing to the success of the business's online presence. Raluca is not only committed to delivering content that resonates and engages but is also passionate about learning and exploring new topics, ensuring that her contributions are both fresh and impactful.

With a relentless drive for excellence and a passion for innovation in content creation, Raluca continues to be a vital asset to OPTASY’s mission of delivering cutting-edge web solutions and insightful content that supports the growth and success of businesses across various sectors.

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8 Must-Have WordPress Plugins for Better UX
 Modern WordPress web development screams: plugins plugins plugins!How do you respond? Which are the best plugins that can… Read more
5 Minutes /
8 WordPress Best Practices for Improved UX
 User experience (UX) is at the heart of every successful website. If users find your site difficult to navigate or… Read more
5 min /
Accessibility in MarTech: A Strategic Imperative for 2024
 The importance of accessibility in MarTech goes beyond mere compliance with legal standards; it represents a… Read more
5 Mins /
Adobe Experience Manager: Benefits and FAQs
 In today's digital era, delivering exceptional customer experiences is vital for businesses to succeed.Adobe Experience… Read more
5 min /
Choosing the Right CMS for Healthcare Websites
 What does the right content management system (CMS) mean for healthcare websites?A CMS should offer a blend of flexibility… Read more
2 mins /
Data Privacy and Security: A Crucial MarTech Trend in 2024
 In 2024, data privacy and security have emerged as pivotal trends in the Marketing Technology (MarTech) landscape. As… Read more
7 mins /
Discover Drupal 10.2: A New Era of CMS Simplicity and Power
 If you’re wondering about Drupal’s new version 10.2, here’s everything you need to know about it.What’s New in Drupal 10.2?… Read more
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Drupal Commerce vs. Magento - Who Wins the Battle for eCommerce?
 In 2021, it is expected that about 27.2% of the world population will shop online at least once. A lot of potential… Read more
5 Minutes /
Drupal DevOps Best Practices for 2021
 Today, businesses interact with their customers in many forms of digital services on all kinds of devices. As the digital… Read more
5 min /