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Apigee Edge Microgateway: Why Would You Want to Use It and When Should You? 10 Typical Use Cases
So you're evaluating and comparing all the available solutions for centralizing and standardizing your APIs. And you can't help… Read more
5 min /
Are There Any Strong Reasons Not to Use Nuxt.js? 7 Issues that Might Discourage You from Choosing It
It helps you boost your SPAs' SEO, it enables you to generate your apps both on the server-side and statically, it "spoils" you… Read more
5 min /
Are You Still Following These 10 Outdated SEO Practices?
Are you still “stuffing” your web pages with keywords? Does your SEO strategies still revolve around piling keywords instead of… Read more
5 min /
Automatic Updates in Drupal: From Mission Impossible to... Drupal’s New Auto Update Feature. How Does It Work?
The waiting is over. We'll have automatic updates in Drupal sooner than we even dared to hope. Source:* Since… Read more
5 min /
Automating Remote Administration
This feature has long been a goal for OPTASY; it’s been more challenging than we expected. You see, automation is easy if all… Read more
5 min /
Best Augmented Reality Tools in 2018: Which Is The Right One for Your AR App?
“Build the next big thing in terms of AR apps!” Is this goal on top of your New Year's resolutions list? Well, then right now you… Read more
5 min /
Best Drupal Modules for Government Websites
Ever wondered what CMSs the governments around the world use to empower their websites? The truth is that most governments opt… Read more
20 minutes /
Best Drupal Modules for Higher Education Websites
You probably have seen Drupal empowering many companies and organizations in diverse industries: from retail and E-Commerce… Read more
15 minutes /
Best Photoshop Plugin for Web Design
Get a Photoshop plugin that will help you perfect your work as a web designer! Here is the list of 10 amazing Photoshop… Read more
5 min /