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6 Outdated Web Design Trends: Age-Old UI Cliches that You Should Bury for Good
They used to be THE norm and to dictate web designers' decisions. No one questioned their usability or long-term efficiency. Or… Read more
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6 Techniques to Create an Effective Visual Hierarchy on Your E-Commerce Website
Visual hierarchy, especially on an e-commerce website, is a way too powerful “weapon” for you to underestimate it or to ignore it… Read more
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7 Anti-Spam Drupal Modules to Spam-Proof Your Website With
When you say “SPAM” you say “facts of life”! The life of any Drupal site/app/blog owner or administrator out there! And… Read more
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7 Common Mistakes in Interpreting Analytics Data: Statistical Pitfalls for Your UX Team to Avoid
All sorts of highly likely confusions, data taken out of its context, “obsessing over” numbers, approaching analytics with no… Read more
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7 Dark UX Patterns and Their Negative Impact on Your Brand Reputation
Will you be a superhero or a villain? What are you going to do with all those superpowers that UX invests you with?  … Read more
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7 Tips from Experts on Magento Web Development
 Magento is a versatile content management system (CMS) that offers outstanding mobile-friendly configuration and easy third… Read more
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8 Must-Have WordPress Plugins for Better UX
 Modern WordPress web development screams: plugins plugins plugins!How do you respond? Which are the best plugins that can… Read more
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8 Seemingly Insignificant, Yet Powerful Web Design Details That Will Keep Your Users Engaged
“The details are not details.They make the design.” (Charles Eames)And we couldn't agree more! Especially in the context of the… Read more
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A Budget-Friendly Makeover for Government Websites with Drupal
The government’s online presence is vital to its operations and requires a secure, reliable, and efficient platform.… Read more
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