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How Good of a Website Analysis Tool Is Google Lighthouse? 6 Reasons to Use it (plus, Lighthouse score)
“What's the best audit tool that I can use to check my website's performance?” you ask yourself. Why would you consider Google… Read more
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How Green Is Your Drupal Site? 17 Steps to Sustainable Web Development, Part 2
We are a web development team of our word. And since we promised we would come back with some more best practices for a… Read more
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How Readable Is Your Website Content? 4 Best Practices on Using Typography in Web Design
Since the Web pays tribute to the whole concept of UX these days, since all web developers direct their efforts towards “hooking… Read more
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How The Drupal CDN Module Can Speed Up Your Site
It's speed that excites them all, with no exception! While some of the users prefer a minimalist web design, others might go… Read more
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How to Add Autocomplete to Text Fields in Drupal 8: Defining a Custom Route
Let's say that it's a WhatsApp-like, a decoupled, Drupal 8-backed, real-time chat platform that you're building. One using… Read more
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How to Approach User Experience Design: The 8-Stage Process (with specific activities and deliverables for each phase)
Should you start by analyzing your competitors or... by building the user persona for your new software product?Then, should you… Read more
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How to Become a Drupal Developer (10 Tips)
 Drupal is a popular open-source content management system that powers millions of websites worldwide. As a Drupal developer… Read more
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How to Build a Machine Learning App: Choosing the Best Image Recognition API
You're ready to turn your idea of a machine learning app using image recognition into “the next best thing”! It's going to… Read more
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How To Choose A Reliable Digital Marketing Agency In Toronto?
Reliability is one of the more important things in any profession. What good is an amazing physician that neglects his patients?… Read more
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