Agile methodology has revolutionized the way web development projects are executed, particularly for complex platforms like Drupal. At OPTASY, Agile is a core philosophy that helps us deliver exceptional value by maintaining flexibility, transparency, and continuous improvement throughout every project.

We’ve interviewed three key members of our team: Adrian Ababei, CEO and Expert Drupal Developer; Mihael Shumelov, Project Manager; and Mark Yuasa, Business Analyst. 

Each of them offers unique insights into how Agile enhances our client relationships and ensures successful outcomes for Drupal projects.

Let’s see their insights.

How Agile Drives Success in Drupal Projects

Agile works particularly well with large-scale Drupal projects, offering flexibility and frequent feedback loops. Adrian Ababei explains, "Agile works best for big projects because instead of waiting for a few months to see the minimum viable product, clients can review progress every two weeks. This allows them to assess whether we're on the right path or if a change in direction is needed." By delivering smaller chunks of functionality, Agile ensures that clients remain in control of the development process and can make adjustments as the project evolves.

Mark Yuasa offers a specific example, "We work with a client, which has two major websites. For the first site, they had a long list of requests, but with limited developer resources and budget, we couldn't tackle everything at once. By using Agile sprints, we could map out a timeline that allowed us to deliver the most critical features first, while keeping the client in the loop with regular updates." This kind of structured development prevents bottlenecks and ensures clients are consistently informed about their project’s status.

How Agile Mitigates Risks in Drupal Development

Drupal projects often face risks, from shifting client requirements to budget overruns and missed deadlines.

 Agile helps mitigate these risks by providing a framework for continuous planning and reassessment. "One of the biggest risks we face is over-committing to a scope. Agile allows us to reassess and reprioritize tasks during each sprint," says Mihael. "If we realize midway that certain features will push us over budget or off schedule, we can renegotiate with the client and adjust the plan accordingly."

Mark also emphasizes the importance of Agile in mitigating development risks: "Agile helps ensure that we plan for the correct amount of work based on the available resources. Because each task is estimated and slotted into a sprint, the client knows when to expect delivery, which prevents surprises."

This level of planning not only helps to keep projects on track but also enables OPTASY to handle unexpected challenges. For instance, Adrian mentions, "When a project involves complex custom modules, Agile allows us to focus on small, manageable tasks. If we hit a roadblock, we can address it without derailing the entire project. By focusing on completing tasks in increments, we mitigate risks as they arise."

OPTASY Adapts Agile for Client Satisfaction in Drupal Projects

Agile's flexibility is one of its key strengths. Mark notes that one of the most appreciated aspects of Agile is its ability to adapt to changing business priorities: "Clients love the flexibility Agile offers. If an external factor like a new business opportunity arises, we can shift focus quickly without throwing the entire project plan off track. This adaptability is something they value a lot."

Mihael further adds, "The iterative approach in Agile means that if a client realizes halfway through that they need to change direction, we can easily adjust the plan without having to scrap months of work. This agility ensures that we’re always aligned with the client’s goals, even as those goals evolve."

Transparency also plays a significant role in client satisfaction. Adrian explains, "Agile methodology allows clients to be involved every step of the way. They have access to all the tools we use, like JIRA and Confluence, and can see the progress we make in real time. This level of visibility reassures them that their project is always moving forward."

Why Collaboration Is Seamless with Agile Tools

Effective collaboration is essential for the success of any Agile project. OPTASY leverages a variety of tools to ensure seamless communication between clients and the development team. "We use Atlassian's JIRA for project management and task tracking. Clients have access to it, so they can see the status of their project at any time," says Adrian. "Additionally, we use Confluence for documentation, which integrates seamlessly with JIRA."

Mark also highlights the importance of real-time communication: "Slack is another key tool we use. It allows our team to stay connected with the client and discuss urgent issues without waiting for scheduled meetings. If a problem arises, we can resolve it quickly."

Mihael points out how these tools fit into the overall Agile process: "The tools allow us to be transparent and responsive. When a sprint ends, we have a sprint review where we demonstrate the completed work to the client. This level of interaction fosters trust and ensures that we’re always aligned with the client’s needs."

How OPTASY Tailors Agile Practices to Unique Project Needs

One of the key strengths of Agile at OPTASY is its adaptability. "There’s no one-size-fits-all Agile approach," says Mihael. "For active development, we follow Scrum, which is structured around sprints, planning meetings, and regular retrospectives. However, when we’re working on maintenance and ongoing improvements, we switch to Kanban. This allows us to respond quickly to issues like bug fixes without having to wait for the next sprint cycle."

Adrian elaborates, "If a client has an urgent change request or a page goes down, we need to address that immediately. With Kanban, we can pull tasks from the backlog as they arise and address them without affecting the overall project flow. This makes us more flexible and responsive to client needs."

This adaptability ensures that no matter what stage a Drupal project is in, OPTASY can tailor its Agile approach to meet the client’s specific needs.

Agile’s Role in Delivering Client Satisfaction

One of the most critical aspects of Agile is how it empowers clients to take control of the development process. Adrian mentions, "Clients appreciate that they don't have to make a massive investment upfront. They can see continuous progress and feel reassured that the project is heading in the right direction."

However, not all clients are well-versed in the tools used in Agile. "Some clients find tools like JIRA and Confluence to be a bit complex," Mihael admits. "While they love the transparency, we sometimes have to simplify the process for them by providing extra training and support."

Mark adds, "The adaptability of Agile gives clients peace of mind. They know that if something changes, whether it’s a shift in business priorities or a new feature they want to add, we can accommodate it quickly and efficiently."


Agile methodology is the foundation upon which OPTASY builds its Drupal projects, ensuring that clients remain in control, risks are minimized, and the project adapts to changing needs. Whether developing a new Drupal website or scaling and maintaining an existing one, Agile provides a structured yet flexible approach that delivers real-time results and fosters ongoing client satisfaction.

At OPTASY, we take pride in the transparency, flexibility, and responsiveness that Agile brings to our Drupal projects. 

If you're looking for a Drupal partner that can adapt to your needs and keep your project on track, contact us today to see how Agile can transform your next Drupal development project.



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