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Serverless Computing Takes Off in 2018: How It Will Impact The Way Software Is Built
To go or not to go serverless... This is one of 2018's most asked questions in the IT industry. And it's true that serverless… Read more
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Shopify Launches Shopcodes: Scannable, Trackacle Codes for You to Use
First the launching of Shopify Pay, now this! It's more than obvious: Shopify's constantly striving to enrich its merchant… Read more
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Should You Be Using Node.js? How Do You Know If It’s Suitable for Your Web Project?
There's no such thing as “the best web technology” but “the best technology for particular use cases”! For your web projects… Read more
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Six Reasons Why it's Better to Work With an Agency Instead of a Freelancer
There’s an age-old question that once in a while pops in a manager’s mind:Should we hire a freelancer or go with a specialized… Read more
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Speak Now: Mastering Voice Search Optimization in 2024 MarTech Landscape
Now that we're well into 2024, voice search has firmly established itself as a pivotal MarTech trend, transforming how… Read more
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Staff Augmentation or Managed Services? How to Choose Wisely
 As digital transformation has forever changed the world of business, more and more companies are interested in IT… Read more
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Staff Augmentation: Pros, Cons, and Effective Tips
Staff augmentation is a strategic approach to business growth that involves supplementing in-house teams with external talent.… Read more
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Streamlining Healthcare Operations: The Role of CMS in Administration
Healthcare administration faces many challenges like handling lots of patient data and ensuring good communication between… Read more
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Swift - „first class” language for Android?
When Swift was going open source, representatives for three major brands — Google, Facebook and Uber — were in London discussing… Read more
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