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How to Manage Your Drupal 8 Configuration Workflow with Git: A 4-Step Guide
 Wouldn't you agree that managing configuration is vital in the life-cycle of a multi-person project? Well, its importance… Read more
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How to Optimize Your Web Forms Quick and Easy: 9 Best Practices
How much time and effort do the web forms on your Drupal site demand from your users? No matter what your estimations might… Read more
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How to Optimize Your Website for Voice Search
      Be honest: did you really anticipate that the search voice trend would turn into such a phenomenon?… Read more
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How to Perform a Security Audit: 11 Things to Put on Your Checklist (plus, the best tools you could use)
So, you need to do a quick risk assessment of your site. How do you perform a security audit?Are there any quick and easy (and… Read more
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How to Scale Your Node.js App: Best Strategies and Built-In Tools for Scalability 
Whether it's the increasingly challenging workload or you simply want to enhance your Node.js app's tolerance to failure and… Read more
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How to Speed Up a WordPress Website: 11 Universal Ways that You Can Make It Faster (With and Without a Plugin)- Part 1
“How do I make my WordPress site faster?” you ask yourself. And let me guess: you want to address this challenge – how to speed… Read more
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How to Speed Up a WordPress Website: 11 Universal Ways that You Can Make It Faster (With and Without a Plugin)- Part 2
I'm back with the rest of 5 simple ways to speed up a WordPress website.So, grab your pen and paper and get ready to take notes.… Read more
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How to Speed up Your Magento 2 Store on Mobile Devices: 5 Tweaks That You Can Make
What can you do to speed up your Magento 2 store on mobile devices?For let's face it: Magento 2's “ecosystem” of third-party… Read more
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How to Speed Up Your Website: 10 Most Effective Optimization Techniques
Websites sure have changed dramatically since the rise of the internet, wouldn't you agree? When competition for winning User's… Read more
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