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Drupal 11 Upgrade: Unleash Your Website's Full Potential with Optasy's Expertise
Upgrading your Drupal website to the latest version is a strategic move that can significantly enhance your site's… Read more
10 minutes /
Drupal 8 Contact Forms vs Webform: Choosing Between Drupal Most Popular Form Builders
Simple or custom-made? Is it a quick-to-assemble, rather “prototypical” form that you need for your website? Or a more complex,… Read more
5 min /
Drupal 8 Group Module: How to List Related Group Content 
“Fallen for” Drupal 8 Group Module's principle of using entities and entities relations (as opposed to node “knots”) for … Read more
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Drupal 8 is the Future of CMS
At OPTASY we’re big fans of Drupal. While we remain a technology agnostic firm and believe in matching organization needs with… Read more
5 min /
Drupal 9 Modules Readiness: How Hard Is It to Find Compatible Modules and Build a Website in Drupal 9?
Is it (still) too early to give Drupal 9 a try? To start fresh and build a website from scratch in the latest version of Drupal?… Read more
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Drupal 9 vs Drupal 8: Or Is It Rather Just “Drupal 8 vs... a Cleaner Version of Drupal 8”?
What's in a name... after all? Or... in a number in this case. Wouldn't a "Drupal 9 vs Drupal 8" comparison be identical… Read more
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Drupal Agency: Should I Hire One For Website Development?
Drupal is a new but extremely promising web development platform. This article explains why you need a Drupal agency to help with… Read more
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Drupal AMP: Drupal's Accelerated Mobile Pages Module
Drupal's ready to turn into your best ally in your endeavours to constantly comply with Google's ever-changing “rules”! With… Read more
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Drupal Community: The Power of Collaboration and Open Source
In the dynamic landscape of web development, the strength and vibrancy of a community often define the success of a platform.… Read more
10 Minutes /