Website targeting acculturated Hispanic women, delivering daily updated entertainment-type content.
Highly popular in America, supported by a whole vibrant, loyal community or readers, it's become Hispanic women's go-to source of information covering various topics: Hispanic celebrity gossip, interviews and reviews, beauty and fashion tips and tricks and "how to" articles, Latin music videos, movie news, daily news on Latin events taking place in their cities etc.
Overall:'s a leading, comprehensive online source of entertainment news reaching out to Hispanic women in America.
And here's our team's work turned into results:
- we've implemented a mini-parser for structuring the content feeds
- we've rolled out an update to bootstrap 3 and tackled all the errors that occurred afterwards
- we're currently working on creating a new custom theme for this website
What We Did
- Drupal custom modules
- Drupal site building
- upgrade to Bootstrap 3
- mini-parser for content feeds
- new custom theme