“Never stop learning!”
This is our driving force. We're constantly seeking inspiration and reaching out to innovative people that... inspire us.
And what better “learning hubs” and opportunities to meet these influencers than events such as Drupal Cons, web summits or entrepreneurship-focused conferences, right?
They're our top favourite times of the year when we get to:
- walk into the shoes of... tourists (yes, you've guessed it, Lisbon is simply stunning and there's so much for any type of tourist to discover and to experience in Baltimore!)
- sharpen our skills (while attending conferences, keynotes, “enlightening” sessions on various topics, workshops, exhibitions)
- meet innovation-driven, passionate people like us; one of our favourite aspects of these gatherings
In this respect, the record of our most recent learning events include:
- Drupalcon Baltimore 2017
- Web Summit 2017, Lisbon
- Toronto Entrepreneurs Conference & Tradeshow 2017
... and many more to come, judging by our events schedule in 2018...
And we never leave empty handed from the events that we attend:
from emerging trends shaping the digital landscape
- to new web development techniques and tips & tricks to experiment in our digital lab
- to the latest improvements and forecasts impacting Drupal
- to inspiring people that always leave their mark on us and boost our knowledge
In short: tech and business conferences are where we get our “fuel” for innovation from.
Where we get to join roundtable-like discussion groups focusing on specific topics (and the variety of topics is simply mind-blowing). And the chance to be face-to-face with influencers driving change in their fields and to... learn.
That's what our “stubbornness” to attend this type of events comes down to learning as much and as frequent as we get the chance to and then power our clients' web projects with the acquired skills and knowledge.