
Ilobby is, at a “macro level”, a groundbreaking crowdsourcing platform empowering ordinary citizens to create new laws or to fix current ones, to gather support from other like-minded citizens for their causes and to share the costs of hiring a Washington lobbyist.

Briefly put: is a form of “micro-lobbying”!

Practically visitors can start their own debates on issues that affect their businesses or their lives or they can engage in debates suggested by other citizens instead, they can financially support certain causes and eventually get their collective voices heard in Washington.

Conceived as a community-driven platform and, therefore, requiring unmatched scalability, further extensability and enhanced functionality to support its continuous “flux” of content, its features enabling users to vote for certain laws and to engage in interactive debates... it's no wonder why Drupal's been chosen to power this platform

What We Did
  • Drupal custom modules
  • Drupal site building
  • Drupal theming 

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