It's overwhelmingly lengthy, it's discouragingly “crowded”... it's your checklist to follow when choosing the right CMS for your content-heavy website!

And there's no way around it: you need to check them ALL off, all the must-have features and functionalities included there.

For you can't afford to make compromises on security for a boosted performance, for instance. And you sure can't get away with trading high speed for easy authoring, right? Or with accepting anything less than “the very best” editorial experience for the sake of easy-to-customize design, for example.

It should be an all-in-one CMS solution! 

Well, it looks like Drupal is the only platform to fit the profile: it lives up to your legitimately high standards and is capable to meet your content-packed site's specific needs.

Here's why:

1. It's Ideally Flexible & Conveniently Extensible

Dare to dream big, for your Drupal site's content infrastructure is built to grow, seamlessly and almost organically, at the same rate as your future plans!

For any performance, security, content management-related, or any other heavy-content site/industry-specific functionality that you might need to add... there is a Drupal contributed module!

… or there is a team of Drupal developers ready to write custom code for you and build your custom-fit Drupal module from scratch!

And here are 2 possible scenarios where you could capitalize on Drupal's impressive flexibility and extensibility:

  1. you need to integrate SalesForce with your website: there isn't just one, but several Drupal modules that you can use for injecting this type of functionality into your website
  2. you need to add an Apache Solr to your search bar for indexing results (a critical integration for any large-scale, content-heavy website): Drupal turns this type of integration into a... breeze

Whether it's a blog or a content-packed, high-trafficked website that you own or plan to build: Drupal's conveniently extensible to fit any size, any business needs.

2. It Provides a Both Flexible and Rich Content Authoring Experience

Here's another strong reason why Drupal's the right CMS for your content-heavy website: it makes content authoring unexpectedly easy!

“Armed” with the WYSIWYG editor — which makes such an easy to use content management and editing interface —  with URLs, taxonomy, custom lists and tags, your editorial team gets to:

  • craft
  • edit
  • publish
  • perfectly structure

… content on your site.

Podcasts, articles, infographics, guides, e-books, case studies... your heavy infrastructure gets ideally easy to manage with Drupal as your site's backbone-CMS.

3. It Ships With Impressive Database Accommodation Capabilities

Not only that your Drupal CMS's built to seamlessly accommodate your large and enlarging database, but it ships with organizing and sorting features, as well.

Features/functionalities delivered to you in the form of dedicated modules.

In other words: setting up your customized, ideally structured, perfectly usable library calls for zero custom code writing when using Drupal as your website's CMS!

4. It's Open Source, Making It a Perfectly Suited CMS for Your Content-Heavy Website

Drupal's open source nature opens the door to a whole world of possibilities (free of charge) to you!

Just imagine this scenario here:

Your heavy-content website has a huge influx of regular visitors and then...all of a sudden... a big nasty bug attacks! And it's just inevitable when we're talking about a content-rich website, with content being added and updated almost on a daily basis!

What do you do then?

You reach out for a patch digging deep into all the free resources put at your disposal by the Drupal community!

Just think of all the costs that you'll be cutting off when building your large-scale project with so many modules, site elements specific to your use case and features out there for you to just... “grab” and implement.

5. It Meets The Highest Government Online Security Standards

High waves of traffic and a robust content infrastructure do come at a cost: the cost of the highest levels of security.

And it's by far the most important point on your checklist to finding the most suitable CMS for your content-heavy website.

Drupal's already built a solid reputation around it as the CMS that powers government and high education websites.

Need we add more?

If it's powering and safeguarding the White House's website from cyber threats, then it must be built with high-security standards mind, don't you agree?

Where do you add that, in addition to its robust built-in security features, there's always the worldwide large Drupal community out there to “alert” if something goes bad. A community constantly monitoring Drupal's status at a security level.

6. It's Highly Customizable in Terms of Design 

How to design content for heavy websites? The best example in this respect is the Panels module that Drupal puts at your disposal.

Harness its power to create layouts perfectly tailored to each specific use case. 

How? With drag and drop! Put together the custom layout and then just fill it in with its corresponding content.

Hence, you get to personalize each page on your website all while keeping a visual continuity throughout it!

The END! Do you find these 6 reasons strong enough for you to start seeing Drupal as the most suitable CMS for your content-heavy website?

What other must-have features (if any) would you add to your checklist?


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