Save the date(s): 10-12 August! And join us for a 3-day conference on building with Drupal, driving this open-source technology forward and strengthening & growing the community behind it: Drupal North Regional Summit 2018.
You'll find us in our booth at the Toronto Reference Library's exhibit hall, to be more specific, since this year OPTASY's a proud gold sponsor of the fourth edition of this event:
The biggest annual summit in Canada focused on promoting Drupal.
Why Would You Attend Drupal North Regional Summit 2018?
That's right: why would you pack your bags and get en route for Toronto's Reference Library when summer is at its peak and everyone's looking for a place in the sun?
For a bunch of strong reasons, actually:
- first of all, if you're already living in Canada, why would you want to miss the biggest annual event in North America promoting Drupal?
- no less than 300+ individuals and organizations will be attending it
- if you're a Drupal developer, this is a once-in-a-year opportunity to grow and to... outgrow yourself; the event's schedule is “overcrowded” with sessions covering a variety of Drupal-related topics, with “can't miss” keynote sessions and networking opportunities
- … grow your profile by sharing your knowledge and expertise all while enriching it as you learn from other Drupalists attending the event
- as a Drupal-powered organization, Drupal North Regional Summit 2018 is a great chance to recruit new talent (and this is the event's key “mandate”: to showcase Canadian Drupal talent), to make connections with other Drupal-fueled businesses...
Whether you're:
- in the government, nonprofit, education, business field
- a freelancing Drupal enthusiast looking to keep his/her knowledge up to date
… don't miss the largest summit in Canada promoting Drupal!
It'll be a win-win-win type of situation:
- you (the Drupal developer) get to keep your knowledge up to date
- you (the organization) get to dig through a pool of Drupal talent and also to network with other key decision-makers from some of the most notorious companies in Canada running their businesses on Drupal
- and it's a winning situation for Drupal itself: all the individuals and companies attending the summit will help to extend its reach to more people and more businesses
OPTASY Proudly Supports Drupal and the Drupal North Regional Summit 2018
Why? What's in it for us? Why are we so proud to be one of the gold sponsors of this Drupal summit in Canada?
Because we like to practice what we preach:
To give back to the (Drupal) community, what the community gave to us for free. And along these +15 years years since we've been developing in Drupal there's been plenty of work done by all those developers contributing to Drupal and moving this open-source technology forward that we leveraged in our own projects. It's only but common sense to give something back now and to contribute ourselves, too.
And sponsoring Drupal events is one way that we can do that.
But there are other reasons, too, why we decided to support the Drupal North Regional Summit 2018 as a gold sponsor. All of them deriving from the above-presented reasoning:
- the 3-day conference makes the perfect “lab” where brilliant solutions to well-known issues in Drupal get identified and shared with the community, new Drupal modules get put into the spotlight, new ways of innovating this technology get presented
- in other words: investing in this Drupal summit we invest in us, as a team and as a company, and implicitly in our own clients, as well
- ... all the knowledge and “steamy-fresh information” that we get from this conference will then be put to use when working on our clients' future projects
- it's also a great place to network with existing and potentially new Drupal-using companies
- and an opportunity for us to “expose” the key advantages that set OPTASY apart as a Drupal agency: +15 years hands-on experience, proven Drupal expertise, pure passion for what we do, a strong work ethic and stellar communication skills confirmed by our clients
So, are you curious about Drupal's main strengths as a technology of the future? Interested to discover what precisely helps it stand out?
Are you looking for a Drupal partner with both the proven experience and the proper “weakness” for innovation to turn your ideas into digital reality? Stop by our booth then, in August, and let's talk Drupal, growth opportunities and everything in between!