We still can't get over this news: there are 4500 top performing companies in Canada featured on Clutch and OPTASY's a leader in 3 categories!
Our clients have spoken and the Clutch team has listened to them.
Then, based on the collected client reviews, they've propelled us on the 4th, respectively the 5th position of 3 most competitive categories on their annual list.
To be “neighboring”, in the Leaders Matrix, all those top web development companies in Canada and to owe this honor to our clients is highly rewarding for us:
- “From day 1, the communication has been the hallmark and has been phenomenal.”
- “They stepped up in terms of commitment.”
- “I appreciate how detail-oriented they are. That's not a strength everyone has“
(Some of our clients' reviews on Clutch)
From Just Another Drupal Development Company to... a 2019 Canada Leader
Our ascension from a small Drupal agency in early 2000 to one of the leading companies on Clutch in 2019 has been paved with hard work.
And plenty of challenges, too.
Looking back now, we count +10 years of determined effort to constantly diversify our services:
- from Drupal site building
- to developing custom Drupal modules to fit each project's specific feature needs
- to multiple APIs (and mostly e-commerce) integrations
- to providing ongoing Drupal maintenance and support
- to redesigning and architectural restructuring
- to providing back-end development support for web projects using other technologies than Drupal (Magento, WordPress, Laravel...), as well
- to mobile app development with a particular focus on next-generation technologies (AI, VR, AR)
Our Strive for Excellence Is Equaled Only By Our Effort to Build Strong Client Relationships
We're only as good as our clients say we are.
It might sound like such a cliche and yet it's true: our recognition as a Canada Clutch leader for 2019 is the best proof.
For it's what our clients had to say about our ability:
- to deliver value (expertise turned into measurable results) on time and within budget
- to communicate with them throughout the projects
- to adapt our in-depth knowledge of Drupal and experience in web development to their specific needs and requirements
- to “go above and beyond” (as the Clutch team itself defined our work) for meeting their projects' functionality needs
… that propelled us in top 5 PHP, web and Drupal development teams in Canada.
We cannot but make our bow to YOU, our client.
And to the Clutch team, as well, for all the work invested in:
- analyzing our portfolio
- assessing our market presence
… and for all the resources invested in interviewing our clients and promoting excellence. For challenging B2B companies to deliver stellar services.
Now, what better proof that we've already taken their challenge to excellence seriously than to be listed in one of Clutch's Leaders Matrix as a leader.
In 3 categories...
Thank you!