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Drupal 8 Ubercart Vs Drupal Commerce: Important Factors to Emphasize
With online sales being a huge and growing phenomenon, more and more entrepreneurs take their business online. The amount of e-… Read more
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Drupal-Powered Digital Signage? Yes, That's Possible!
Standard web pages have ceased to be the only data delivery medium available! And there's no way around it. You either respond to… Read more
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Here Is How You Can Boost Your Conversion Rate by 22%
Dynatrace, a leading company in the application performance management field states that the average loading site for a website… Read more
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How to Create Your Own Icon Font: 6 Free Tools that Allow You to Generate Custom Fonts
Although many icon font sets are readily available for UI design use, sometimes you might want to get a bit creative and design… Read more
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How to Improve Your Page Loading Speed: 4 Tips on Designing a Website for High Performance
Website loading speed is closely related to user experience, and for good reasons – time is also more valuable than ever. Why… Read more
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Introducing Google’s New Layout: A Rich Cards-Based One
Card based design is growing more and more popular and now Google wants to get in on the action as well. Google wants to switch… Read more
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Is Your Website Designed to... Sell? 7 High-Converting Design Principles to Apply- Part 1
First of all, we should get one thing very straight: you will never ever meet your conversion goal if you're “just” selling stuff… Read more
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Is Your Website Designed to... Sell? 7 High-Converting Design Principles to Apply- Part 2
We're back, as promised in our previous post, with 7 more design principles that you should “steal” from those e-commerce… Read more
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Media Handling in Drupal 8.6.0: 4 New Features that Will Enhance Your Media Management Experience in Drupal
The media management experience had been one of the well-known sources of frustration for Drupal content editors for a long time… Read more
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